Taking care of a house is a never-ending job however if one follows some do’s and don’ts in routine one can keep his house in good order all year round. Whether you are facing chimney issues or are flooded and need water damage restoration, prevention is always better. In this guide, you will find practical advice for maintaining your home all year round to keep it safe, comfortable, and cost-effective.

1. Spring Cleaning and Inspection

Cleaning and inspection are best done in the spring since they come with favorable weather and appropriate conditions to make widespread changes. Exterior parts of the building should not be neglected especially for the removal of dirt on gutters, downspouts, and roofs that could cause damage when there is water build-up. Clean all floor coverings, fabric/accent chairs, and curtains.

Moreover, vacuum out all dust and pollen. Clean the HVAC filters and call in a professional to check the system before summer sets in. Once you have used the chimney during the winter season, it is important that you inspect for any signs of damage and get it fixed to avoid some of the hazards.

2. Summer Upkeep and Enhancements

It’s advised to pay significant attention during and after the summer season. To maintain the garden, maintain the habit of mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes, and watering the plants. Also, it is important to clean and seal wooden decks and patios to enhance protection from harsh weather conditions.

Check the roof of the building for any lasting effects of the spring storms such as damage on the roofs. Check that all the weather-stripping of the windows and doors is in proper condition to prevent the stuffy factor and wastage of energy.

3. Autumn Preparation for Winter

It is important to get your home ready for the colder months as autumn sets in and the leaves start changing and falling. Maintain cleanliness of the roof and gutters to avoid the accumulation of leaves and other debris that result in ice forming on the roof later on. Check your attic and wall insulation and increase it so that your home remains warm.

Ensure that the heating systems are checked by a professional contractor to allow efficiency in their functioning. Ensure there is a check on basements and other land parts of the house for water signs and get the flood water damage restoration process done if necessary to get rid of flood water damage.

4. Winter Protection and Safety

Winter calls for a special type of preparation to ensure that your home and its components continue to function properly. Clear driveways and other paths like walkways of the snow and ice to avoid causing any mishaps. Protect pipes and faucets from freezing by locating them far from spaces with low temperatures or by wrapping them with insulation material.

Make sure that there is no accumulation of noxious gas by clearing all the vents and exhausts if necessary. Also, get your chimney repair to avoid the accumulation of dangerous fumes. Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure you have an emergency evacuation plan.

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