Even in Indianapolis, a city known for its smiles, tooth implants need special care to stay in good shape. For personalized brushing tips in Indianapolis that will help your crowns, veneers, and implants last longer and work better, you might want to consult a professional for dental services indianapolis in

This article also talks about how to brush your teeth in a way that fits your specific dental needs. Now, let us talk about how to brush your teeth with dental restorations. 

How to keep your dental crowns sparkling?

Crowns, which are usually made of porcelain or metal alloys, are a beautiful way to fix teeth that are broken or weak. However, because their surface is smooth and does not have pores, plaque buildup can be harder to see. Here is how to keep your crown spotless:

Brush at an angle

Use the modified Bass method. Tilt your toothbrush 45 degrees toward your gum line. Brush your teeth gently back and forth in short strokes, making sure to reach both the crown and the gum tissue around it.

Make sure to floss daily

When you have crowns, flossing is even more important. At the gum line, where the crown meets the normal tooth, plaque can build up. To get rid of food stuck in this space, move the floss gently from side to side. For better access, you might want to use a floss threader.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush

You should get a toothbrush with soft bristles. Bristles that are too rough can damage the crown’s surface. When you brush, use light pressure to get rid of plaque without damaging the restoration. 

How to maintain your flawless veneers

Dental Needs


Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain that are glued to the front of teeth to make them look better. Even though they are very sturdy, they need special care to keep their perfect look.

Brush softly

Like with crowns, use a soft-bristled brush, and do not scrub too hard. Because veneers can get scratched, it is best to brush them gently and in a circle.

Floss every day

Plaque can build up between teeth and around the edges of veneers, so you need to floss to get rid of it. Since the veneer only covers the front of the tooth, gunk can build up on the back of the tooth.

Avoid foods that stain

Coffee, tea, and red wine can leave stains, so be careful with those. It is okay to treat yourself once in a while, but rinsing your mouth with water afterward can help keep the stains from showing. 

How to take care of your dental implants?

Dental implants are posts made of titanium that are carefully put in the jawbone to act as tooth roots. They hold caps or dentures in place and provide a natural-looking and very functional way to replace lost teeth. For implants to last a long time, it is important to brush them properly.

Use implant-specific brushes

You might want to use interdental brushes that are made to clean around implants. These brushes have smaller heads that can get to the areas between the implant and the teeth that are close to it.

Brush at an angle

To clean both the implant and the gum tissue around it, use a modified Bass method and an angled brush, just like you would for crowns.

Remember to floss

It is very important to floss to get rid of plaque around the implant and normal teeth. Choose softer floss so that it does not hurt your gums. 

Consistent brushing is key to a healthy smile!

Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Split your mouth into four quadrants and brush each one for thirty seconds. Also, clean your tongue to get rid of germs and make your breath smell better. Toothpaste with fluoride can help protect your teeth from cavities and make the enamel stronger. 

No matter if you have normal teeth or dental restorations, you need to brush your teeth every day. Getting regular oral checkups is also important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. 


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