A healthy heart and a healthy smile may not seem to go together for many people. But shockingly, a new study shows a strong link between gum disease and heart health. In fact, people with gum disease are a lot more likely to have heart trouble.

A Lake Bluff dentist knows how important it is to take care of your teeth, so make an appointment today! 

Understanding gum disease – what is it? 

Periodontal disease, which is another name for gum disease, is an illness of the gums that cover your teeth. A buildup of plaque, a sticky film that has germs in it, is to blame. 

Plaque can turn into tartar (calculus) if it is not cleared by cleaning and brushing. This might make the gums swell and bleed because it irritates them. Gum disease can hurt the jawbone and even cause you to lose teeth in the worst cases. 

The connection between your gums and your heart

More research needs to be done to find out exactly why gum disease may damage heart health. There are, however, a few major theories.

Bacteria in the bloodstream

If you have gum disease, bacteria can get into your system. These germs can spread to the heart and other parts of the body. 

Once they get there, they can make inflammation and plaque buildup in the vessels worse. Plaque buildup can make the arteries shrink, which raises the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Chronic inflammation

Gum disease is a long-term inflammatory problem. This means that the body’s defenses are always working to get rid of the gum infection. 

Other parts of the body, like the blood vessels, can also be affected by this long-term inflammation. This swelling can hurt the blood vessels and raise the risk of heart disease over time. 

Heart Risk

How to protect your heart health with healthy gums

Taking care of your gums is a good way to protect your heart health. Here are some important tips:

  • Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Every day, floss to get rid of plaque and germs that are stuck between your teeth.
  • You should see your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups. They can look for signs of gum disease and treat it if it is found.
  • Eat well and stay healthy. Your gums will stay healthy if you eat a healthy diet that is low in sugar and processed foods.
  • Do not smoke. Both gum disease and heart disease are more likely to happen if you smoke. 

What role does diabetes play? 

Gum disease is more likely to happen to people who have diabetes. This is because having high blood sugar can make it harder for the body to fight off sickness. Diabetes can also hurt the blood vessels in the gums, which makes them more likely to become inflamed. 

The link between gum disease and pregnancy

Women who are pregnant can also get gum disease. It has been shown that women with gum disease are more likely to have kids who are born early or with low birth weight. This is most likely because gum disease makes the body swell up. 

What is the treatment for gum disease? 

If you have gum disease, your dentist will probably tell you to get your teeth cleaned by a professional to get rid of plaque and tartar. If the problem is really bad, you might need periodontal treatment, which cleans deeply around your teeth and gums. Sometimes, surgery is the only way to get rid of gum disease. 

There is a very strong link between gum problems and heart health. Gum disease and heart problems are less likely to happen if you take care of your gums and go to the doctor regularly. Remember that a healthy smile means you are healthy all around.


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